About Janam Patri (New Born Child)

This report provides an in-depth analysis about your temperament, characteristics and personality, strengths and weaknesses, the favorable and unfavorable aspects.

You will get the following details in your Janampatrika:

Birth details
Lagna Chart
Chalit Cusp
Rasi Navamsa
Sudarshan Chart
Favourable Points
16 Charts

Astro chart containing Yoni, Karana, Gana, Tithi, etc, report about your Lagna, Nakshatra, Day, Date, Tithi, Month, Sade-sati time, etc.

Astrological Highlights in your horoscope Effects of ascendant, moon sign, etc. planets Astrological Analysis of your situation Specific Answer to your query Astro Advice Remedial suggestions like gemstone, yantra, etc.

Important planetary influences in the near future.

I will need birth date, birth time, birth place of the child and the questions that you are having. I will answer your questions, will give you personalized predictions and will suggest you remedies (solutions).